The Society
for Social Work
Leadership in Health Care
Southern California Chapter
invites you to attend
The 2008 Vendor Fair
3-CEU Clinical Presentation
“Motivational Interviewing”
Friday, May 16, 2008
City of
Cooper Auditorium
Sam Minsky, MFT
Matrix Institute
*This course provides 3 CEU’s for
Sam Minsky is a Senior Clinician, Supervisor and Associate Clinical Director of Training Programs at the Matrix Institute on Addictions. Sam has worked in the chemical dependency field since 1988. He is a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor and a specialist in treating the chemically dependent and their families. He has also worked for the Brooklyn New York Criminal Court System as an expert witness in chemical dependency and substance abuse. He has co-authored a number of articles on research aspects and treatment of the chemically dependent and is currently involved in re-writing and updating various revisions and updates of components of the Matrix Manuals. The Matrix Model and it’s manuals is currently being recommended by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the Center for Substance and Treatment (CSAT) as one of a very few useful empirically driven treatment models for substance abusers and the chemically dependant.
Sam has lectured and given presentations on various aspects of chemical dependency and methods of treatment to numerous universities, hospitals, and therapy centers in the
Presentation Objectives. Participants will learn strategies for using motivational interviewing in the medical setting with various patient populations. At the end of this session, you will:
· Be able to identify patient populations and diagnoses appropriate for motivational interviewing
· Understand key components of this pivotal addiction treatment modality.
· Become informed about the “Matrix Model”, a nationally respected addiction treatment paradigm.
Friday, May 16, 2008
9:00-9:30 Registration and Coffee Break
9:30-11:30 Vendor Fair
[Be sure to bring your business cards for raffles and prizes!]
11:30-12:30 Lunch & Door Prizes
12:30-3:30 Presentation: “Motivational Interviewing”
Evaluations and adjourn
Attendance for Chapter members and one guest is complimentary, provided both are preregistered by Friday May 9, 2008.
Field instructors, field faculty and MSW interns are invited to attend as guests of the SSWLHC 2008-09 Board. To pre-register, e-mail name and license #, if applicable, of attendees to: (Please write “vendor fair registration” in the subject line).
Questions? Please email
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